1 min read

Channel EMEA: Resellers acknowledge DataCore’s SANsymphony-V virtualisation solution

John Greenwood, Solution Sales Director of UK based Gold Partner, NCE Group, explains more: “We have been selling DataCore for over seven years to customers spanning across many verticals. The launch of SANsymphony-V is very exciting and offers a different story for us to promote, it focuses on automation and simplicity and provides new features, opening up new opportunities and new customers for us to capitalize on and take forward.”

“Few firms can afford the unanticipated expense of the storage ‘rip and replace’ that they believe their server or desktop virtualisation projects will require. The good news is that an affordable solution is available in the form of storage virtualisation, as demonstrated by industry leader DataCore Software. Their flagship technology, SANsymphony-V, is just what the doctor ordered for simplifying capacity management, performance management and data protection management behind virtual server infrastructure,” says Jon Toigo, CEO of Toigo Partners International.

To help new resellers get started on how they can accelerate their virtualization deals and extend their virtualization practices, visit: .

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