2 min read

Just Days Left to Participate in DataCore for Dorian Relief Fundraiser

DataCore will make a corporate donation to match the total amount raised by September, 30th. Please act now!

While the 20-foot storm surges have receded and 220 mile-an-hour wind gusts have gone, the devastation of Hurricane Dorian remains. Great Abaco has been reduced to rubble, with 1.5 billion pounds of debris in Marsh Harbor alone, along with some $7 billion in total property losses.

In the days following the storm, we launched the DataCore for Dorian Relief campaign with Direct Relief, which has earned a four-star charity ranking from Charity Navigator and a 100% fundraising efficiency ranking from Forbes for its continued dedication to providing humanitarian assistance in partnership with local groups, and without regard to ethnicity, politics, religion, gender, or ability to pay. Part of our company philosophy is social responsibility and community engagement, which is why we’ve partnered with a top relief agency to ensure our donors that their contributions to help our Bahamian neighbors will be put to good use.


Our campaign will be open through September, 30. Once the campaign ends, DataCore will make a corporate donation to match the amount we have raised on that date. We are currently at over $8,000 USD from more than 100 participants—which means $16,000 USD plus in total!

These islands, a mere 70 miles east of DataCore headquarters in Fort Lauderdale, FL will take years to fully recover.  We are asking our employees, friends, colleagues, and partners to join the DataCore family in lending a hand to this community in their time of need. Wherever you live, think of a town located 70 miles/110km from your own home. Imagine that town destroyed like the pictures of the Bahamas you have all likely seen by now. That’s how close it got to us in Fort Lauderdale. We got very lucky.

For those of you who have already donated, please share through your social media. For those that haven’t, please consider just $10, any amount helps. We have only [a few weeks] left before the campaign comes to an end so please act now.

When you complete the donation, it will give you the option to share; it only takes 30 seconds to post to Facebook or Twitter, which can dramatically expand awareness and potentially increase our fundraising capacity.

We are grateful for the continued support from our employees and professional networks. It is a great opportunity for us to come together and provide some much-needed community support, so thank you for the consideration.

View details on Direct Relief’s efforts in aiding the victims of Hurricane Dorian

View more on Direct Relief’s Charity Navigator rating here

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