2 min read

DataCore Takes the Pulse of the Market, Again

Every year since 2011, we’ve asked a sampling of IT professionals about their views on existing and emerging technologies and their related impacts on storage. We recently released the results of our latest survey, “The State of Software-Defined Storage, Hyperconverged and Cloud Storage,” which reveals how these IT professionals are currently using or evaluating software-defined storage, hyperconverged and cloud storage to solve critical business challenges.

One noteworthy finding from this year’s survey is that performance continues to be a problem. For example, our 2012 research stated that “even with an increase in the average storage budget, more companies reported significant problems with storage-related performance, bottlenecks, downtimes and business continuity in 2012.” This year, nearly a third of respondents stated that application response time was slower after virtualizing mission-critical applications. Even though technology has advanced substantially over the years, hypervisors, operating systems and container virtualization are still treating I/O serially, making I/O the bottleneck on performance, even though application workloads are scheduled to run in parallel across several CPUs.

We envision that 2017 will finally be the year we see a positive shift in these numbers with technology evolutions such as DataCore™ Parallel I/O, which leverages available (and largely idle) multi-cores to drive and process I/O in parallel to perform multiple input/output operations simultaneously — resulting in faster response times and the ability to get more work done in the same time.

This year’s survey data also aligns with

the evolving industry view that hyperconverged

is not necessarily synonymous

with a physical appliance

The survey has our Vice President of Worldwide Marketing, Carrie Reber, optimistic, “The data from our sixth annual survey of IT professionals shows that investment in software-defined storage continues its upward trend. It’s also interesting to learn about adoption plans vs. actual implementation of newer technologies, such as hyperconverged infrastructure. This year’s survey data also aligns with the evolving industry view that hyperconverged is not necessarily synonymous with a physical appliance.”

To read the complete report, download your copy here.

For additional information, please see the press release here.

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