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Drinking our own IT Champagne – Part 1

Many tech companies are beginning to see that they lose credibility when they don’t use the products they are pitching—and are bringing IT back from external (or outsourcing) providers. The data from recent analysts’ reports strongly suggests there’s a renewed focus on building up in-house technology and digital capabilities.

Re-internalization of IT

This trend of bringing back information technology capability back to the core of the enterprise is known as “the re-internalization of IT.” Not only does this help a business move forward faster, but it embraces a new-era of technology skills and capabilities—ultimately, allowing us to gain a competitive advantage, it’s authentic.

It’s gaining traction because when businesses use their own products and services, every employee across the organization becomes an advocate. The entire company is able to speak knowledgeably and comfortably about its products and services, since everyone is an active user. And you gain built-in user experience, use cases and internal case studies. This approach is a winning combination for prospects, customers and the company itself—and can act as a growth engine.

Having your IT in-house also gives you more control and business resiliency when things break down whether from catastrophic natural events, geopolitical unrest or simple human error—if you have a robust disaster recovery plan in place that is.  And especially if you have a tried-and-true data storage vendor.

Practicing What We Preach

At DataCore, we use our data storage product SANsymphony™ for our day-to-day operations. And because we’re based out of Florida, we learned long ago the business value of a disaster recovery and business resiliency plan. As a result, we use our own internal IT use cases to tell a compelling story and serve as best practices for other companies for deployment, optimization and utilization during a hurricane, flood or other disaster scenario.

Data Is at Our Core

As a start-up back in the day, we needed storage. So we bought used IT gear off eBay purchasing used disks to start. As we grew from a small to medium-sized business, we found that the drives and technology had problems. Because we had the technology in house, we were able to evolve, refine and test the DataCore offering again and again, SANsymphony, turning these challenges into an opportunity to solidify the product.

The Forever Virtual Disk

Little known fact: DataCore actually has the oldest SANsymphony deployment in the universe, using virtual drives for almost 20 years. We have an extensive deployment at our headquarters and have also deployed it in many of our offices around the world. Some of the application servers have been presented the same virtual disks for the past 18 years. The applications can’t distinguish between these virtual drives and physical drives. They see the same drives they were given 18 years ago. The disks may sometimes have grown in capacity and their performance and reliability have increased, but they are the same drive.

Evolution that Never Stops

Fast forward to 2017—the transparency to the application provides the ability to the IT administrator to perform upgrades, equipment replacements and continuous performance improvements without bringing down the applications attached to the storage.  The storage has evolved from older disk technology to tiered storage including the introduction of larger size, new technology such as SSD and increased performance.

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