3 min read

Drinking Our Own IT Champagne – Part 2

In Drinking Our Own IT Champagne – Part 1, we explained how there has been a renewed focus on building up in-house technology and digital capabilities, but many tech companies aren’t even using the products they are pitching – and as a result, they lose credibility.

In Drinking Our Own IT Champagne – Part 2, discover just how the proof is in the pudding when a business uses their own products and services.

What the Experts are Saying

Industry analysts have long noted that tape backups fail as much as 50% of the time. According to the Yankee Group, “42% of attempted recoveries from tape backups in the past year have failed” – that’s why many IT managers view the cloud as a tape replacement.

According to Jay Petri, IT Manager at DataCore, “Datacore is running 15 nodes across the globe managing over 163 TBs of storage.”




TBs Managed

Fort Lauderdale SAN

SSV- Application servers



Fort Lauderdale VDI SAN

HVSAN – VDI servers



Fort Lauderdale CI SAN

HVSAN – CI servers



Reading Colo SAN

HVSAN – Exchange servers



Microsoft Azure SAN

HVSAN – DR server



Reading Office SAN

HVSAN – Office server



Munich Office SAN

HVSAN – Office server



Tokyo Office SAN

HVSAN – Office server






With remote replication, we demonstrate, a remote or co-lo, Azure or AWS is a reasonable way to get a robust DR solution. This removes the need to use proprietary IT or vendor lock in and eliminates the need to send tapes off-site.

DataCore maintains approximately 300TB of storage specifically for backup and recovery.  We maintain roughly 100TB of online data for short term recoveries is stored on hyper-converge SANsymphony boxes.

SANsymphony has a lot of features and DataCore leverages remote replication, high-availability and the core of efficient use of storage. We also leverage the use of snapshot as well as CDP to augment our backup/recovery strategy.

Remote replication allows small to medium businesses to have an way to have a usable disaster recovery strategy that is every bit as robust as the very expensive options. Having data in the cloud is ready, as an “instant-on” solution to system or site failure. This also offers a cost of entry is that is low and affordable for the SMB.

Performance Optimization

Internally, our development team uses SANsymphony for daily builds including continuous integration. This demand produces a lot of I/O on systems to go through the thousands of lines of code to build.

All of our application servers run on SANsymphony, taking advantage of the robust caching capabilities to deliver optimal storage performance to tier 1 applications such as Exchange and SQL Server and we leverage connectivity to our co-lo Redding, UK.


Although we can run efficiently in a virtual machine,  we choose to run on partition 0 alongside Hyper-V.  It allows us to use our internal loopback port eliminating any latency

As for Hyper-converge use of SANsymphony, the high-performance at a low cost provides DataCore to operate lean. “Although we can run efficiently in a virtual machine, we choose to run on partition 0 alongside Hyper-V. It allows us to use our internal loopback port eliminating any latency associated with Fiber Channel or iSCSI ports. This gives the virtual disks that little extra performance sometimes important to the application.” according to Ely.

This is a true testament to how to utilize and optimize our storage solution.

See more examples of how our customers use the DataCore offerings or learn how to transform your business here after experiencing a FREE live demo!

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