European IT service provider MATERNA GmbH, after successfully deploying DataCore in house, has now signed-on to resell DataCore SANmelody™ and SANsymphony™ solutions in Central Europe. MATERNA started with DataCore SANsymphony as its in-house virtualization solution then decided to implement VMware server virtualization; the virtual infrastructure combination has added a new level of flexibility to its in-house data center. The DataCore software-based storage area network (SAN) provides a dynamic, scalable and shared storage solution that allows hardware generations to be changed or expanded on-the-fly.
“We reorganized and overhauled our storage environment before we started to consolidate our servers,” says Uwe Hoch, IT Manager at MATERNA GmbH. “With DataCore we finally found a solution to manage our heterogeneous architecture in a homogeneous manner. SANsymphony offers high-availability features, increased our storage resource utilization and best of all can be changed and expanded as needed easily.”