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From Reactive to Proactive & Predictive: Introducing DataCore™ Insight Services

DataCore Insight Services brings a new level of visibility and proactive management into the software-defined storage environment.

One of the most significant challenges IT professionals face is simply maintaining the environments they are responsible for and ensuring those environments are consistently delivering the business-critical solutions their organization requires. For those IT professionals who are responsible for the storage environment, it becomes even more critical to ensure consistent availability and deliver the level of performance the business requires. This is why we have developed DataCore Insight Services, a new cloud-based analytics platform for DataCore Software-Defined Storage solutions.

The goal of DataCore Insight Services is to deliver actionable information in the areas of predictive analytics, known issue detection and best practice optimization, and to ensure IT professionals can deliver the consistent availability and performance their business requires of the storage environment.

Predictive Analytics

Companies today are challenged by the constant growth of data and its significant impact on their storage environments. This often manifests itself in the form of over utilizing capacity, as well as less than optimal performance. The first are area where DataCore plans to provide insight is associated with capacity and performance trends. This allows IT organizations to know when they could run out of capacity or when they have connections to the storage environment that are in danger of becoming over utilized. The result is enabling IT to take a proactive approach to resolving issues before they happen and impact end user environments.

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Known Issue Detection

Another problem IT professionals face is simply knowing when an issue exists in the environment they are responsible for. However, it is not always easy to determine when an issue exists. IT organizations often spend a lot of time and resources to identify where issues exist. This can especially become problematic when the availability of the storage environment is compromised. This is the second area where DataCore Insight Services can help ensure business-critical data is not compromised. By providing known issue detection for the storage environment, IT professionals can quickly react when a snapshot fails for a critical volume or a replication task encounters an error.

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Best Practice Optimization

As if dealing with capacity and performance trends or tracking down environment issues weren’t enough, IT professionals are expected to ensure the environments they are responsible for are following best practices. This is the third area where DataCore Insight Services can help. One can easily find out if the storage network-related configuration is optimized to ensure the best throughput or simply know if they have all DataCore servers running on the latest version. This ensures the storage environment is running in the most optimized state possible.

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Visibility and Notification

While providing these insights to IT professionals responsible for the storage environment is important, making sure they have clear visibility into the information is equally important. That’s why DataCore Insight Services provides the most critical insights right up front when a user logs in. This allows quick and easy access to information that could have the biggest impact on the storage environment.

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But most of us know that not everyone can be logged into a console or web UI and watch for the latest updates. That is why DataCore Insight Services has a built-in notification mechanism. This will allow IT professionals to stay up to date with the latest insights and ensure the storage environment is providing the best availability and performance demanded by business-critical applications.

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Operations Management Integration

It is also important to note that DataCore Insight Services is directly integrated with the new DataCore Web Console for SANsymphony. This allows for seamless transition from insight information to taking meaningful action, without having to switch back and forth between multiple UIs. This seamless integration ensures IT professionals spend less time looking for issues and more time fixing any that potentially arise.

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As you can see, DataCore Insight Services brings a new level of visibility and proactive management into the software-defined storage environment. It is the cornerstone of DataCore’s new observation and operations management control plane and ensures the storage environment continues to provide the data availability and performance business-critical applications rely on.

Learn more about DataCore Insight Services or contact us for a demo.

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