2 min read

How to Ensure Mission-Critical Availability and Uptime for Your Organization

What does downtime cost your organization? Well, probably a lot.

If prospects cannot access your business, you’re at risk to losing that potential customer forever to the competition. If employees can’t access the applications they need, there’s a downstream impact to your customers.

The data supports the importance of continuous availability: According to an Enterprise Strategy Group survey, 15% of businesses cannot afford any downtime.

In the past, achieving zero downtime was viewed as a costly, monumental task. Standing up a remote data center, managing the assets, and running a complex environment typically requires that organizations spend an enormous amount of money. But now, many business drivers such as compliance, regulations, and user expectations for high availability have made it imperative for IT to acquire new skill sets to support this “always-on” infrastructure.

Unified Storage Management for Your On-Prem Data

There is an easier, more cost-effective way than relying on highly skilled, expensive IT talent. DataCoreTM Cloud Replication, announced as part of our latest release, uses Microsoft Azure as a remote replication location to safeguard your highly available data center. This service lets you quickly roll out a secure remote replication site while providing unified storage management between your on-premises infrastructure and Azure.

On-premises DataCore software-defined storage solutions give you the ability to consolidate and unify a diverse mix of storage brands and models or to use modern storage deployments, such as hyperconverged infrastructures. With the pre-installed DataCore instance available on the Azure Marketplace, DataCore Cloud Replication allows you to replicate from any physical location to Azure. This capability eliminates the complexity and cost of implementation and management associated with using a piecemeal, vendor-by-vendor approach.

PSP7 DataCore Hybrid Cloud

Flexible Disaster Recovery Is Here

DataCore software-defined storage solutions deliver the flexibility to choose where your critical data is restored in the event of a catastrophe. In some cases, it will be best to restore at an on-premises location. In other cases, it makes sense to run your workloads directly in the Azure cloud.

Discover how a hybrid cloud approach can deliver always-on uptime for your organization’s mission-critical applications with DataCoreTM Cloud Replication on Azure Makretplace or schedule a  LIVE DEMO today to learn more about SANsymphony and Hyperconverged Virtual SAN (HVSAN)!

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of Your Data

Looking for higher availability, greater performance, stronger security, and flexible infrastructure options?

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