
DataCore Blog: Getting IT Done Right

Everything About Software-Defined Storage

Explore best practices, tips and tricks to get the most out of your data storage from edge to core to cloud. Learn ways to improve availability, optimize performance, reduce TCO, and more.

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36 Reasons To Adopt DataCore Storage Virtualization and Software-defined Storage Architectures
36 Reasons To Adopt DataCore Storage Virtualization and Software-defined Storage Architectures
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The Need for SSD Speed, Tempered by Virtualization Budgets
The Need for SSD Speed, Tempered by Virtualization Budgets
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Software-defined Storage Makes Economic Sense and Frees You From Hardware-defined Lock-in!
George Teixeira
Software-defined Storage Makes Economic Sense and Frees You From Hardware-defined Lock-in!
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Beware “Old Acquaintance” Hardware Vendors’ Claims for Virtualization and Software-Defined Storage; Hardware-Defined = Over Provisioning and Oversizing
Beware “Old Acquaintance” Hardware Vendors’ Claims for Virtualization and Software-Defined Storage; Hardware-Defined = Over Provisioning and Oversizing
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IT Briefcase Exclusive Interview: The Key to Optimal Virtualization
IT Briefcase Exclusive Interview: The Key to Optimal Virtualization
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Storage Hypervisors Boost Performance without Breaking the Budget
Storage Hypervisors Boost Performance without Breaking the Budget