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The Best Software-Defined Storage Resources of 2019

As we enter the next decade, we’re taking a look back at our top five most popular blogs, white papers, analyst reports, and webinars of 2019 to review what our readers found most useful throughout the year.

There are several recurring themes that figured predominantly, including: storage infrastructure modernization, the need to break free from hardware, architecture and vendor lock-in, and the current IT landscape when it comes to the need for and adoption of software-defined storage and hyperconverged infrastructure, from on-prem to the cloud, the edge and back.

Here they are, all in one place. We hope you enjoy and, as always, contact us in the new year to talk about your upcoming storage projects.

Top Five Blog Posts

  1. Stories from the Bit-Shift, or What Is 512N vs. 512e vs. 4kN vs. Flash-Pages? – Some real talk about how bits are packed into flash drives and HDDs and why that matters.
  2. Reducing Data Center Infrastructure Costs with Software-Defined Storage – Addressing the economic impact of adopting software-defined storage and its ability to reduce complexity and data center infrastructure costs in the midst of the IT industry’s storage crisis.
  3. Data Replication Technologies: Inside or Outside the Storage System? – When it comes to choosing the best technology for storage data replication, you have to do your homework.
  4. Secondary Storage Doesn’t Have to Be Costly or Difficult to Manage – The two most common challenges users face with secondary storage are cost and management. This post address how SDS addresses them both.
  5. Data-At-Rest Encryption: What is encryption and why should your organization care? – Covering the basics of encryption and beyond- learn how to better safeguard your data or the data of your customers.

Top Five Analyst Reports

  1. WhatMatrix Landscape Report: Software-Defined Storage and Hyperconverged Infrastructure – Provides a valuable overview of the SDS and HCI landscape with key trends, vendor analysis and more.
  2. DataCore ONE brings new appliances and analytical insights to its high-performance SDS platform – 451 Research provides an excellent overview of the DataCore ONE vision, the HCI-Flex appliance, and DataCore Insight Services (DIS).
  3. IDC Technology Spotlight: DataCore SDS: Enabling Speed of Business and Innovation with Next-Gen Software-Defined Building Blocks – Why businesses need to leverage software-defined storage to eliminate management complexities, overcome data fragmentation and growth challenges, and become a data-driven organization to propel innovation.
  4. ESG: Future-Ready IT Infrastructure with Freedom from Past Designs – This analyst report discusses how to achieve IT modernization while preserving flexibility and minimizing the pains of migration.
  5. ESG: All-Flash Array Buying Considerations: The Long-Term Advantages of Software-Defined Storage – How software-defined storage virtualization frees IT from the never-ending burden of chasing what’s next.

Top Five White Papers

  1. Reducing Data Center Infrastructure Costs with Software-Defined Storage – Addressing the economic impact of adopting software-defined storage and its ability to reduce complexity and data center infrastructure costs in the midst of the IT industry’s storage crisis – it also provides your very own TCO analysis evaluation tool!
  2. Taking Steps to Prevent Your Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans from Being Derailed – How IT teams can effectively research and recommend the best possible BCDR plan to keep data access uninterrupted and protected against unexpected catastrophic events.
  3. The State of Software-Defined Storage, Hyperconverged and Cloud Storage: Seventh Annual Market Survey – This market survey looks into unique insights from IT pros about how they are currently using or evaluating software-defined, hyperconverged, and cloud storage to solve their most critical data storage challenges.
  4. Top Ten Reasons to Adopt Software-Defined Storage – See why over 10,000 customers around the world rely on DataCore SDS to build, manage, and modernize their storage infrastructures.
  5. Data-At-Rest Encryption: Security measures necessary to protect data when disk drives leave your control – How to guard the confidential data on your disk drives anytime they are out of your control with a highly flexible SDS solution that is painless to implement, manage, and maintain, as well as cost-effective.

Top Five Webinars

  1. Hot vs Cold Data: Its Influence On Data Placement Decisions & What to Do About It – How ML/AI techniques and methods can sense data temps in real time and dynamically migrate accordingly between primary, secondary and cloud storage from different suppliers for optimum savings.
  2. Business Continuity Measures for Volatile Times – Find out where your organization ranks on the Vulnerability Index and how you can safeguard and future-proof your BCDR plans to avoid common pitfalls.
  3. Architectural Nexus Achieves Fast Application Performance On-Time & On-Budget! – Discover what it takes to meet demands for high performance and smart, affordable solutions that future-proof existing storage environments.
  4. SAP HANA on Steroids: Hosting Provider Achieves 75% Reduction in Storage Delays – Learn how a DataCore customer massively cut their SAP HANA database load times from 20 to five minutes while saving $100K with a hybrid-converged design approach.
  5. Achieving IT Modernization and Flexibility Without the Pain of Migrations – Learn how to overcome constant change in your IT environment and how SDS enables seamless introduction of new technologies and painless migration options through hyperconvergence.

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