
DataCore Blog: Getting IT Done Right

Everything About Software-Defined Storage

Explore best practices, tips and tricks to get the most out of your data storage from edge to core to cloud. Learn ways to improve availability, optimize performance, reduce TCO, and more.

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What’s New? DataCore Announces Availability of DataCore VDS 2.0 Virtual Desktop Server; Affordable Entry-level Solutions and a Powerful Feature Set to Make VDI Practical
What’s New? DataCore Announces Availability of DataCore VDS 2.0 Virtual Desktop Server; Affordable Entry-level Solutions and a Powerful Feature Set to Make VDI Practical
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Virtualization World: DataCore SANsymphony-V Brings Smooth Sailing, Performance and Cost Savings for United Arab Shipping Company
Virtualization World: DataCore SANsymphony-V Brings Smooth Sailing, Performance and Cost Savings for United Arab Shipping Company
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United Arab Shipping Company uses DataCore’s SANsymphony-V storage virtualisation software to increase performance and lower costs
United Arab Shipping Company uses DataCore’s SANsymphony-V storage virtualisation software to increase performance and lower costs
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DataCore Announces Availability of DataCore VDS 2.0 Virtual Desktop Server in EMEA
DataCore Announces Availability of DataCore VDS 2.0 Virtual Desktop Server in EMEA
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Announcement: DataCore VDS 2.0, The Virtual Desktop Server Overcomes the VDI Cost and Complexity Issues for Small to Mid-size Businesses
Announcement: DataCore VDS 2.0, The Virtual Desktop Server Overcomes the VDI Cost and Complexity Issues for Small to Mid-size Businesses
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DataCore’s SANsymphony-V storage virualisation platform wins 2013 Storage Product of the Year
DataCore’s SANsymphony-V storage virualisation platform wins 2013 Storage Product of the Year