
DataCore Blog: Getting IT Done Right

Everything About Software-Defined Storage

Explore best practices, tips and tricks to get the most out of your data storage from edge to core to cloud. Learn ways to improve availability, optimize performance, reduce TCO, and more.

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NCE Scoop Best Storage Virtualisation Reseller in Northern Europe at DataCore Customer Conference
NCE Scoop Best Storage Virtualisation Reseller in Northern Europe at DataCore Customer Conference
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TechTarget UK: Retail Giant Co-op Jersey opts for low-cost DataCore Software SAN
TechTarget UK: Retail Giant Co-op Jersey opts for low-cost DataCore Software SAN
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SANmelody at the Co-Op Jersey is a Fairtrade for High Availability.
SANmelody at the Co-Op Jersey is a Fairtrade for High Availability.
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DataCore Ships 64-bit SANmelody 3.0 and SANsymphony 7.0; Advances in Performance, Migration, Thin Provisioning, and High-availability Improve Storage
DataCore Ships 64-bit SANmelody 3.0 and SANsymphony 7.0; Advances in Performance, Migration, Thin Provisioning, and High-availability Improve Storage
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DataCore and StorageLink – storage management for the Citrix and Microsoft Hypre-V virtual infrastructure worlds
DataCore and StorageLink – storage management for the Citrix and Microsoft Hypre-V virtual infrastructure worlds
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UK Storage Awards – DataCore announced as finalists in more categories than any other company!
UK Storage Awards – DataCore announced as finalists in more categories than any other company!