2 min read

Why Faster Application Response Times Are No Longer Optional

Like you, I’m used to instant gratification, whether it’s from an ATM or my search engine or internet connectivity. For example, if a web page takes longer than 2 seconds to load, often the visitor will leave the site. The same level of responsiveness applies when application data is being processed–it needs to happen as fast as possible or people get annoyed and business transactions are slowed. But when it comes to your data center or server cluster, speeding the response time is not that easy. Depending on your how your data provisioning is set up, it can be a little bit like turning the Titanic around.

Get Faster Application Response Times

When you talk with your IT department, the explanations for why response times are not faster are often too complex to be easily understood. Sometimes the performance of the databases is the culprit–and to improve performance requires a redesign of the queries, new hardware (server and/or storage), or a recommendation for new software to be installed. All of these options are complex and time-consuming changes associated with a high-cost of investment.

But if you would like to achieve faster response times for your business applications, it may be worth talking to your IT team and offering them a solution. For example, when they tell you that your SQL database is primarily responsible for insufficient speed and that all updates and changes in the past are resulting in low CPU utilization, even with many parallel requests and many cores are available, you may be able to offer a new idea to them. In other words, don’t just complain–give them a solution option.

Talk to IT about MaxParallel

During your next meeting, reach out to your team and ask whether they’ve considered DataCoreTM MaxParallelTM as a solution for SQL performance improvements. They may secretly be thinking that this is not your core competency, but you can download this PDF and share it with them or point them to this blog post, which recaps the key benefits of MaxParallel. Hopefully, it will inspire them to review and share this detailed information.

Try Now for Free

Encourage your IT people to do a trial download of MaxParallel. There’s no risk and it’s likely that your entire organization, including IT, will benefit from it. They can test it with no costs as demo on Azure or as 30-day trial, for free, in their environment.

Let me know how it goes. Keep me posted on how much faster your applications run on MaxParallel, click here to learn more!

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