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Data Resiliency Reinvented – Optimally utilize current and new infrastructure investments to do more

When one element of a facility’s architecture fails or experiences a disruption, the dreaded disaster recovery plan stress can creep up on us. But, what if your architecture could run on a redundant path? What if it could take over seamlessly and was completely transparent so that users never knew that a disruption has even occurred?

This can be defined as data resiliency. Data resiliency can also be described as a planned part of this facility’s architecture and is usually associated with other data center disaster recovery considerations such as data protection. Data center resiliency is achieved through the use of redundant components, systems or facilities – on premise and in the cloud. In the event of an element fails, the redundant path takes over and continues to support computing services to the requestors.

With the new PSP7 version of our SANsymphony and Hyperconverged Virtual SAN (HVSAN) software, DataCore’s implementation of dynamic mirror path balancing increases usage density. By allowing increased expansion, we’ve added the ability to maximize the utilization of interconnections between nodes.  This is done by increasing the functionality of the mirroring as well as utilizing dynamic active pathing to improve the throughput and resiliency.

DataCore continues to expand on its technology roadmap. Our data resiliency (or N-way) is designed to scale out nodes and to abstract away the need to know the location of data through automation. The first implementation with N-way mirroring is available with this release supporting 3-way mirroring and automatic load balancing of storage resources. With this new powerful capability along with DataCore’s auto-tiering and parallel I/O, you can maximize the advantages of data locality to significantly improve application service levels and performance responsiveness.

Enabling N-way data resiliency provides customers with ability to create a backup logical disk relationship. The parent of a backup or secondary copy can be defined on the logical disk source of a mirrored virtual disk. This resilient functionality provides the ability to add and remove data redundancy, reestablish high-availability at the original service level in the event of an outage and re-balance resources across the nodes. This automated approach is transparent to the user, yet configurable on demand.

Discover how SANsymphony or Hyperconverged Virtual SAN can optimize your infrastructure by scheduling a LIVE DEMO today!

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