Für iSCSI/Fibre Channel SAN und HCI
Für skalierbaren Datenzugriff, Bereitstellung und Archivierung über S3/HTTP
For HPC, AI, and Demanding Enterprise Workloads
Für zustandsbehaftete Arbeitslasten in Kubernetes-Umgebungen
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When you are trying to consolidate, simplify and automate your IT infrastructure, both Hyper-converged Infrastructure (HCI) and Software-defined Storage (SDS) promise to deliver the results you expect. For this reason, analysts predict HCI and SDS to grow rapidly compared to legacy architectures.
Storage and infrastructure are going through a lot of changes. With technologies like Software-defined Storage as well as new infrastructure like Hyper-converged, there is a lot for IT admins to consider.
In this webinar, hear from Emergency Communications of Southern Oregon (ECSO) that found that not only were they able to improve their SQL Server performance (by 20x!) with hyperconverged, they were also able to improve their availability and reduce costs to boot.