Uncover Hidden Savings and Optimize Your Storage

Easily identify infrequently accessed data on your NAS and file servers, and seamlessly transfer it to economical and secure storage, unlocking significant cost savings.

Cost-Efficient Long-Term Data Preservation

Is your NAS and file storage getting cluttered regularly with old, unused data? Maybe the exponential growth of data is straining your resources and budget? Fear not—you can now analyze your data landscape in minutes and reveal the untapped potential for enormous cost savings.

Gain deeper insights into your data stack and identify dormant files that are eating up valuable storage space on your expensive primary storage systems. Discover how much you can save by offloading these files to more cost-effective and scalable storage for long-term data preservation.

Offload Your NAS/Filers Without Any Change for Users & Applications: Unlock Massive Savings

DataCore FileFly is here for your rescue. Now you can easily streamline data management and automatically identify and offload rarely-accessed files from your NAS and file servers to economical storage. FileFly’s tiering process, which is based on custom policies, is fully transparent to applications and users. This guarantees that there is no impact on business processes and no change to existing IT operations. FileFly leaves behind stubs for easy access and can quickly repatriate data when needed, ensuring seamless data accessibility.

Significant Cost Savings

Significant Cost Savings

Policy-based Data Tiering

Policy-based Data Tiering

Long-term Data Archiving

Long-term Data Archiving

Discover Your Potential Cost Savings

Why Choose Swarm as Your Active Archive Solution

  • Scalability: Scale your storage seamlessly as your data grows – from TBs to EBs
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Reduce storage costs and preserve data for longer terms
  • Accessibility: Instantly access archived data whenever needed
  • Reliability: Ensure data integrity and protection against threats (like ransomware) and other failures
  • Simplicity: Ease to use with self-healing and self-managing smarts

DataCore: scelta dai marchi globali, amata dai professionisti IT

Consolidated Communications
Maimonides Medical
Oxford University

Abbiamo scelto Swarm perché per noi era la piattaforma più flessibile e disponeva di valide licenze per terabyte. Siamo partiti con 100 TB e ora abbiamo oltre 1,25 PB su 200 nodi di differenti fornitori hardware. Swarm è un componente fondamentale per offrire quel servizio di alta qualità a cui NEP ha sempre puntato.

Gerbrand de Ridder, Head of R&D and Lead System Architect NEP The Netherlands

Potremmo semplicemente collegare un nuovo nodo e vederlo avviarsi automaticamente. Non serve alcun lavoro preparatorio. Non ci sono OS da installare. Potremmo migrare gruppi di dischi tra nodi e Swarm deciderebbe se il disco faceva parte del nodo o meno, trasferendolo nel nodo corretto.

Lakshmi Venkataswamy, CTO e Cofondatore iQ Media

La scalabilità è una delle cose più intelligenti di Swarm: una cosa deliziosa che è stata realizzata con questa piattaforma è che quando si inserisce un nuovo nodo, questo si imposta da solo da zero, annunciandosi al controller principale. Se si vuole aggiungere un nodo da 72 terabyte o petabyte basta semplicemente mettercelo.

John Gillam, CTO for Cloud Services British Telecommunications (BT)