Press Release

DataCore Software at CeBIT 2012

Visit DataCore Software at CeBIT „Virtualisation & Storage Forum goes Cloud“

Hall 2 / Booth A40

and find out more about the latest innovations of storage hypervisor SANsymphony-V!

To arrange an interview with a DataCore representative please call Michael Baumann, Konzept PR,
+49 – 151 – 58 72 84 48

Your contact persons:

  • Christian Hagen, Vice President EMEA Channel & Sales Operations, DataCore Software
  • Stefan von Dreusche, Director Central Europe; DataCore Software
  • technical spokespersons

Content of press kit:

  • Press Releases
  • Data Sheet “SANsymphony-V”
  • Background Material

You’ll receive e-press kit USB flash drive in Hall 2 / Booth A40 or you can download it as zip-file here

Corporate Contact:
DataCore Software GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse  18
85774 Unterföhring
Tel: +49 (0) 89 4613570-0

Press Contact
Konzept PR
Leonhardsberg 3
86150 Augsburg
T.: +49-(0)821-343 00 16