Press Release

DataCore Software at SNW Europe 2013

Visit DataCore Software at SNW Europe at Booth 18

DataCore Software, the leader in software defined storage architecture and premier provider of storage virtualization software, will feature a major presentation on software-defined storage, a real-world customer case study and will introduce its new enhanced version of the SANsymphony™-V platform at Powering the Cloud/SNW Europe 2013 (Congress Center, Frankfurt a.M., 30-31 Oct., Stand 18).

Conference Speaking Slots:

Wednesday, 30th Oct, 11:20, Room Spektrum 2
Providing a Truly Software Defined Data Centre that makes Economic Sense
Alexander Best, Director Technical Business Development bei DataCore Software

Wednesday, 30th Oct, 14:00, Room Conclusio
How the Software Defined Data Centre Makes practical and economic sense within one of the UKs Largest University Infrastructures, Paul Alexander, IT Director, Open University

Content of press kit

·         Press Releases
·         White Papers and Data Sheets
.        Background Material

You’ll receive e-press kit USB flash drive at Booth 18 or you can download it here as zip-file.

To arrange an interview with a DataCore representative please call
Michael Baumann, Konzept PR, +49 – 151 – 58 72 84 48 or send an Email to