Press Release

DataCore Software on CeBIT 2007

Content of the press kit:

Background information

SANsymphony 6.0 – Brochure

Traveller Continuous Protection and Recovery ? Broschure

SANsymphony 6.0

SAN virtualisation with DataCore

Company Backgrounder
Press releases

  • DataCore?s New SANsymphony Enterprise Edition 6.0 and ‘Virtualization II’ Empower Users and Raise the Bar for Storage Virtualization
  • DataCore Software and DNS partner in Northern Europe
  • Basler Insurance uses DataCore Software for Disaster Recovery
  • DataCore Revolutionizes Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: Affordable SMB Solutions
  • Virtualization Meets Continuous Data Protection: DataCore Unveils Traveller CPR – the Next Generation of CDP