DataCore Insight Services (DIS) is a cloud-based, predictive analytics platform that delivers actionable insights to avoid problems and provide guidance for proactive optimizations, all from an easy-to-use, single pane of glass.
The SaaS offering continuously analyses telemetry from your SANsymphony environment to detect early warning signs of potential issues. It uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to assess their relative severity and then prescribes steps to prevent them or mitigate their impact.
- Detect and remediate storage health risks with actionable insights
- Get detailed diagnostics to solve complex issues and achieve faster time-to-resolution
- Forecast capacity usage trends for making decisions on storage expansion
- Obtain best practice recommendations for optimizing your infrastructure
Explore the DataCore Insight Services Web Console

DIS monitors your environment all day, every day from the cloud, generating predictive insights to avoid downtime and ensure optimal configuration. The health & optimization status of your entire DataCore server group are provided at-a-glance so administrators know immediately upon login where to focus their attention.
View the collective number of health & optimization insights across your server group at-a-glance.
Real-time, prioritized task list to help storage administrators focus on what’s important. DIS insights are all actionable, delivered in an easy to use format, with click-able buttons to immediately take prescriptive remediation steps.
View historical capacity and performance trends over time to assist in workload planning. Proactively add capacity or migrate workloads based on predictive insights before performance is impacted or downtime occurs
Take a tour of DataCore Insight Services with this 5-minute product walkthrough.
Benefits of Predictive Analytics and Actionable Insights
Avoid Foreseeable Problems
- Detect early warning signs to resolve issues before they become business-impacting
- Reduce support calls by executing on actionable insights
- Optimize environment with proactive/prescriptive remediation steps
Save Time
- Prioritize corrective measures with task list based on severity/impact
- Move intuitively to resolution through guided, single-click steps
- Receive insights in advance to make necessary configuration changes
Effective Management
- Centrally monitor and control SANsymphony environment across multiple sites
- Focus attention on what’s important by automating remedial tasks
- Eliminate guesswork by following proven issue resolution steps
DataCore Insight Services is an exclusive value-added capability available with DataCore SANsymphony software-defined storage solution – when it is purchased as annual or multi-year term licenses. Beyond the analytical capabilities of DIS, SANsymphony provides a host of data services that lets IT teams manage, build, protect, and modernize their diverse and heterogeneous storage infrastructure.