Pour SAN et HCI iSCSI/Fibre Channel
Pour un accès, une livraison et un archivage évolutifs des données via S3/HTTP
Pour le HPC, l'IA et les charges de travail d'entreprise exigeantes
Pour les charges de travail avec état s’exécutant sur des environnements Kubernetes
Découvrez des possibilités de faire des économies considérables et optimisez le retour sur investissement de vos investissements en stockage.
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The PetaFLOP is the most awesome post-conference party is coming to Atlanta for the SC24 Conference!
Join us at SC24, the leading event for high-performance computing, networking, and storage, held in Atlanta from November 17th-22nd. DataCore is excited to be an exhibitor and showcase our cutting-edge storage solutions and innovations.
Join DataCore at KubeCon North America 2024, a vibrant gathering of DevOps, SRE, developers, and technologists from leading open source and cloud-native communities.
Every year, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation organizes its flagship conference, KubeCon which gathers DevOps, SRE, developers, adopters and technologists from leading open source and Cloud-Native communities.
We are bringing leading European IT partners, experts, and thought leaders together to explore a journey of Software-Defined Storage opportunities! Join DataCore as we open new chapters and new markets alongside our trusted partners. Expect two full and varied days packed with technical highlights, inspiring sessions, hands-on workshops and related…