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At the Carolina VMUG UserCon, you will be surrounded by people who can not only make an impact on your day-to-day projects, but also on your future career. VMUG UserCons are created by VMware users for VMware users, and are FREE day-long events geared to empower you through education, training,…
Die DataCore Experten informieren Sie vor Ort, wie Sie mit einem «echten» Software-Defined-Konzept, mehr relevante Mehrwerte in Hyper-konvergenten oder klassischen SAN-/NAS-Umgebungen generieren. Jetzt gratis VIP-Ticket sichern! Code: SSD-DAC18
TechTalks are the place for leaders in the technology community to relax, network and hear about the latest mission-critical technologies in a social setting. ”The Games” at TopGolf follow the footprint of our Commercial IT shows – the evening begins with networking and short, informative presentations. Following the presentations, attendees…
Software-defined vs. Hyper-Converged. Treffen Sie unsere Experten und erfahren Sie alles über die Daten-Infrastruktur für das DataCenter der nächsten Generation. Jetzt gratis VIP-Ticket sichern! Code: STO-ADN18
At the Denver VMUG UserCon, you will be surrounded by people who can not only make an impact on your day-to-day projects, but also on your future career. VMUG UserCons are created by VMware users for VMware users, and are FREE day-long events geared to empower you through education, training,…