Per SAN iSCSI/Fibre Channel e HCI
Per accesso, delivery e archiviazione dei dati scalabili su S3/HTTP
Per HPC, AI e workload enterprise impegnativi
Per workload stateful che girano in ambienti Kubernetes
Scopri i potenziali enormi risparmi sui costi e massimizza il ROI derivante dai tuoi investimenti in storage.
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The PetaFLOP is the most awesome post-conference party is coming to Atlanta for the SC24 Conference!
Join us at SC24, the leading event for high-performance computing, networking, and storage, held in Atlanta from November 17th-22nd. DataCore is excited to be an exhibitor and showcase our cutting-edge storage solutions and innovations.
Join DataCore at KubeCon North America 2024, a vibrant gathering of DevOps, SRE, developers, and technologists from leading open source and cloud-native communities.
Every year, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation organizes its flagship conference, KubeCon which gathers DevOps, SRE, developers, adopters and technologists from leading open source and Cloud-Native communities.
We are bringing leading European IT partners, experts, and thought leaders together to explore a journey of Software-Defined Storage opportunities! Join DataCore as we open new chapters and new markets alongside our trusted partners. Expect two full and varied days packed with technical highlights, inspiring sessions, hands-on workshops and related…
The theme for 2019 is “Evolutionary Technology for 2020: Enter the 4th Industrial Revolution”. The summit will focus on the IoT Disruption, -Ops, Agile, Next Generation Data Management, Bots, AI, SAP, Blockchain, Decentralization, Digital Transformation, Cybersecurity, and other evolutionary concepts.