Per SAN iSCSI/Fibre Channel e HCI
Per accesso, delivery e archiviazione dei dati scalabili su S3/HTTP
Per workload stateful che girano in ambienti Kubernetes
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Join our webinar including 3 live demos to experience what you can do to optimize the usage of your existing storage. Learn more about the power of Software-Defined Storage (SDS) and see it live in action.
Riuscire a conciliare le aspettative di performance del proprio storage con il budget a disposizione non è sempre facile, ma nemmeno impossibile. Roberto Zaninello, Solution Architect di DataCore, ci racconta come consolidare e accelerare la performance del proprio storage combinando SDS e NVMe Flash.
Despite the plethora of remote tools at our disposal, when you’re not there to watch over the data center, the frequency and severity of storage-related problems quickly spiral out of control. Learn how DataCore’s invaluable software tools help you ensure business continuity even in highly diverse storage infrastructure without you…
Discover how DataCore software-defined storage solutions can help IT teams optimize their existing storage resources to make the most out of existing investments during these challenging economic conditions.
Every master plan is created to fulfill specific demands. But what if you did not consider one or two unpredictable factors? This webinar will provide insights to help you maintain business continuity by adapting to those inevitable, yet unforeseen turn of events.
Stai cercando una soluzione SDS virtuale file-based? Necessiti di un facile e veloce accesso a tutti i dati non strutturati, indipendentemente da dove sono memorizzati? DataCore Software, l’autorità nel Software-Defined Storage, ha recentemente annunciato un nuovo prodotto disegnato specificatamente per la virtualizzazione del file-based storage.