Come l'HCI sta ridefinendo le infrastrutture moderne
In today’s evolving technology landscape, operating different layers of the IT infrastructure is often complex and expensive.
Enter DataCore SANsymphony – a hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) solution that redefines adaptability. By consolidating compute and storage resources into the streamlined form factor of x86 servers, SANsymphony isn’t just about simplification; it helps with cutting costs significantly and easing management efforts.
The unique ability to mix and match components allows you to customize configurations without compromising on workload availability and performance. Plus, with its efficient design, expect unparalleled virtual machine density, all starting with just two nodes. Scale up and scale out as needed – even up to 64 HCI nodes per cluster.
Join the evolution of IT through the technology of HCI. Watch this short video and discover how SANsymphony can be your key to build a tailored, future-proof HCI solution.